Showing posts with label Jaboticaba. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Jaboticaba. Show all posts

Friday, 4 October 2019

A huge Jaboticaba Harvest is predicted.

We have two large leaf and one small leaf Jaboticaba trees. After some rain and Spring warmth they have burst into flower.

Sunday, 4 November 2018

Early November: Pretty and Productive

Jaboticaba fruit.

One of the Jaboticaba is covered in sweet fruit. This was the result of only a minutes picking. We can grow subtropical fruits you won't see in a shop, the fruits being too tender to withstand commercial processing.

 These species Hippeastrums hold a bank tight and all pop into flower at once. Soon the Agapanthus will add their blue to the floral mix. The flowers, green fruit and large leaves of a Tamarillo hang over the Hippies. They will provide numerous tomato-like sweet fruit.

Hybrid Hippeastrums

After four years, what do you get when you cross a red and a white Hippeastrum?  A real mix of colours. 

Dwarf Bougainvillea and yellow Coreopsis

The front garden just keeps looking better and better as the heat takes hold in this 'warm temperate', southern hemisphere, climate.

Chaya Spinach Tree

Chaya Spinach Tree
Chaya Spinach Tree provides a constant source of greens but make sure you cook the Chaya for at least 20 minutes to remove toxic components.