Showing posts with label Mango. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mango. Show all posts

Monday 22 July 2019

Video: A winters stroll in the Fernmount Food Forest.

A stroll in midwinter through a food forest on the border of subtropical/warm temperate NSW, Australia. This 11 year old forest has developed a canopy. Some subtropical perennial vegetables thrive under the canopy.

The actual video is less than six minutes.

Thursday 24 January 2019

Another Midsummer post in the hottest of weather in mid north coast NSW

Even in the hottest of midsummer with heatwaves pounding Australia we have produce available and an exciting garden to explore. We only aim to produce a variety of food for our family, hence we plant a number of fruit and nut tree varieties; or we plant the same tree variety in different locations on our acre to create different ripening times. 

So you will not see a row of custard apples but you will see a custard apples planted on the high side, the low side, in shade and in sun. In addition to planting location variability is the variability of the plants themselves, being seed grown they have slight genetic differences.

A capsicum with a bite
Perennial Capsicum with a bite

Saturday 16 September 2017

Early Spring in the Fernmount Food Forest

We need to clear under these trees so that the falling Macadamia Nuts are easily visible. I have made a start by clearing the Pepinos also a useful fruit that flourishes here in our wetter months. So far we have no diseases or major pests attacking the trees. Let's hope the Cockatoos don't find them.

 This pink flowering Macadamia looks to produce a great crop. 'There are two varieties of Macadamia, M. tetraphylla with pale pink flowers, and M. integrifolia with cream flowers.'

Friday 19 May 2017

Late Autumn, walking in the rain in the FFF.

We had a nice Autumn rain period last night. This wheelbarrow leaks but still has a fair haul of water.

The stream that carries water from two drainage holding ponds was flowing.