Friday 19 May 2017

Permaculture Zones applied to the Fernmount Food Forest

Aloe Vera in Zone 1
On a large property it might be easier to designate clearly the various zone related to permaculture principles. On the one acre (0.4 hectare) land of The Fernmount Food Forest zones tend to blur. Our Zone 4 area is tiny and we don't have a Zone 5 with original native bush. 

However, we are surrounded by patches of native forest and situated near the Tarkeeth Forest, part native timber plantation and part almost original forest so we regularly see bandicoots, goannas, pythons, Black, Brown and Tree snakes, lizards and plenty of native birds.

Late Autumn, walking in the rain in the FFF.

We had a nice Autumn rain period last night. This wheelbarrow leaks but still has a fair haul of water.

The stream that carries water from two drainage holding ponds was flowing.

Saturday 13 May 2017

Morning Autumn Walk

8.30 AM and its time for a stroll with Nick's dog. Down the central path from the house at the front of the block to these indigenous Tree Ferns midway and at a small culvert bridge over a stream bed. We have massive storm events and Easterly Lows can dump a couple of metres of rain over a few days. This bridge has been replaced twice and finally with larger 30cm diameter pipes.

The Tree Ferns are self seeded and I must keep pruning the roots out of the nearby storm-water drain to keep the water flowing.

Friday 12 May 2017

Annual Edibles, Mainly Vegetables

Giant Russian Cucumbers can be very productive in our climate.

 In this climate annual vegetables that flourish in a colder climate's Spring and Summer are often best planted in our cold season. Coriander and Brassicas prefer our cold season.